Do you want to learn how to design and produce typefaces like Upgrade, directly from the makers? Design Design Space offers a flexible choice of courses and workshops, where participants can define their individual goals.
Python scripting for type designers (four weeks, February 5–March 5, online, six spaces left)
During this monthlong course, type designers learn from scratch how to script micro and macro tasks during their type-design process. In a series of short specific assignments that are closely related to their daily tasks (if possible), designers learn to recognize patterns that can be automated, breaking them down into existing functions and ones that need to be developed. Read more...
Python scripting for type designers (three days, March 10–12. Special Robothon edition, on location in Delft, eleven spaces left
Right after Robothon, as a condensed version of the monthlong “Scripting for type designers” course (February 5–March 5), this three-day course will address the highlights in order to set type designers on the right path. The goal of this abridged course is to give designers an overview of their potential toolset to further develop themselves in their design practice. Upon request, special emphasis can be placed on the development of scripting for variable-font design and proofing. Read more...
Or, if you want to learn how to make Python PageBot scripts (like the ones that created the images on this website), let us know you are interested. Together we can probably find an appropriate strategy for such a course of study.
Generally speaking, Design Design Space encourages students to study the design of their process, independent of context, domain, or purpose of the designs.